Saturday, September 24, 2016

Chapter 2

Photo by: unknown

The image above represents a photo that was taken with a 35mm SLR Camera. 

The pre-digital photographic technology researched was the 35mm SLR camera. SLR stands for single-lens reflex. The first SLR camera was built in Hungary in 1948. Although the SLR camera originated in Europe, the innovation later moved to Japan to a company called Asahi Optical. The first SLR made in Japan took place in 1952. Asahi Optical kept thinking of new and better ways to make the SLR camera better and they soon came out with a new camera a few yearslater in 1957 which then included the instant return mirror. Back when the first few SLRs were invented, there was no such thing as aperturepriority or shutter priority. Today, technology has come a long way, companies keep coming out with new models with new and different features to help with taking photos a lot more fun and interesting for the photographer while the photograph’s quality is a lot better. 

In the opinion of the article by Petersen's Photographic, the 35mm SLR camera is the most versatile camera. According to Cameron Knight, most 35mm films cannot compete against most modern digital cameras in terms of resolution. This SLR camera should be meant to be for photographers in the business or for anyone who is serious in perusing the career or if it is a number one hobby of theirs.

This innovation has helped photographers and photojournalists in many ways. The camera’s qualities have helped and still do in fact help the photojournalist capture the emotion in photos a lot clearer than the normal digital camera. The quality of the 35mm SLR camera is also a lot better and clearer. For most photographers and photojournalists, the most favored feature in today’s SLR camera is the focallength and the interchangeable lenses that are offered. Without the SLR camera being invented back in 1948, the camera would not be where it is today, and that is appreciated by all photojournalists and photographers everywhere.
Photographer Margaret Bourke has taken a lot of famous pictures that show emotion and natural disaster but I feel like some of them would be more clear and easier to read what they are about if they were in color so that is another reason the SLR camera invention is appreciated by many so that now, photographers and photojournalists have the ability to take photos in color.

The SLR camera is also easy enough for someone to self-teach themselves and this is exactly what famous twentieth century photographer Gordon Parks did at a very young age. Cameras and photography today lets people become interested in photography and it is a great hobby for many. 

I agree with what Professor Nordell said and that is that we as people take photography for granted. People don't really think about the history of how photography and photojournalism came about and I think it is very important to think every so often.

I took this picture below on a phone at the Big E. I believe that I would have enjoyed taking my picture a lot better if I took it with a SLR camera. I think the picture would end up coming out with a much better quality and it would bring out the colors more without making them seem blurred.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Chapter One- Can Photographs Change the World?

Can photographs change the world? This is a question that results in a matter of opinion. To a certain extent, I believe that photography does indeed change the world. I think photography changes the perspective of how people look at the world. I think photography also gives photographers and others who enjoy the art of photography many different ways of exploring the world and gives us many different and neat opportunities. As Nationalgeographics states, “photographers use their cameras as tools of exploration, passports to inner sanctums, instruments for change. Their images are proof that photography matters—now more than ever.”

Photography is also a way that one can keep memories forever. Photography makes it possible for an individual to look back on a photograph taken 50 years ago and instantaneously remember that very moment. Millions of people from all across the world take pictures every day, whether it be from their smartphone or from a digital camera.

Photography can also change the world in the way that for example, photographs from a tragedy can help people see all of the negativity that is going on in the world and this might make them see the world in a different light whether it be good or bad. Photographs may also make people see what needs to change in the world. As said by Vice News, tragic photographs “stay with you”.

The photograph above changed the world in many ways and helped people realize all of the tragedy going on all around the world today.

According to Jonathan Klein of Getty Images, photographs “provoke us to step up and do something”. Photos can also be enjoyed by photographs being seen from across the world, to get a feel of what is happening around the world and to understand other cultures.

I do agree with The Digital Journalist which states that some people feel like “words are more important”. This can be true for most people. A lot of people will just often look at a photograph without really taking the time to actually study the photograph to really know or wonder what the photograph actually is and what it’s about. It’s all about people’s perspectives and what people enjoy personally that would “change the world”.

Like ProfessorNordell mentioned, books can also make huge impacts on peoples’ lives.

This photograph taken on the day of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting affected me a lot. This photo shows a lot of emotion that the children are facing. I don’t think that any child should go through this pain that these children are facing at the moment this photo was taken. This photograph really hits home for me since this tragic event occurred in my home state.
This event soon hit all of the news stations all across the world including photographs like this.


Sunday, September 11, 2016

Book Introduction

What exactly is photojournalism? Photojournalism is a type of journalism that includes pictures instead of words to tell a story. Photojournalism should make the audience feel like they are a part of the story and it should show emotion. Photojournalism is everywhere. Whether it be in the news, newspapers, magazines, social media, or even billboards. Photojournalism is a part of our everyday lives.

A photographer will “shoot a wide range of subjects” as photojournalist, Jason Henske explained in his video_____. He also explains that each day, photos that you take can all be different from the previous day. That is why I find photojournalism so interesting, because you never know what you’ll see and what you’ll capture on a camera. To me, photojournalism can be anything and everything.

It is important to know the history of photojournalism because it is important to know how photojournalism started and how drastically photojournalism has changed throughout the years. Just like the video stated in “Why Study History”, “understanding the past is the key to understanding the present”. This quote really stuck out to me. Without history, we wouldn’t be where we are in this world today. It is important for us to look back and see the progress we made in this world, whether it be with general history or with photojournalism. History helps us appreciate everything that we have.
Photo by: Aymen Boumyza 

Photo By: Johnathan Auch 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

What is Photojournalism?

To me, photojournalism can mean just about anything you see in the news. In some way, it's almost like you can't escape photojournalism. From newspapers and magazines to internet and television, photojournalism is everywhere and is a part of our everyday life. Photojournalism is a way of communicating something in the news without actually talking about it.

When I think about photojournalism, I think about journalism with visuals. Whether it be Hollywood entertainment, sports entertainment, local news or national news, there are many types of photojournalism. Personally, I enjoy photojournalism because I think seeing a visual makes it easier to understand the story being told. Photojournalism also captures more emotion in a situation rather than just a simple article and it gives the viewer a little more emotion also. A picture says a thousand words.

I think this photo is a perfect example of what photojournalism is. This photo is showing pure emotion of pro Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps winning a race. The viewer of this photo is able to see and feel the emotion that Phelps felt in this exact moment of his life.
                                Photo by: Natalie Behring
                                Image Source: