Sunday, September 18, 2016

Chapter One- Can Photographs Change the World?

Can photographs change the world? This is a question that results in a matter of opinion. To a certain extent, I believe that photography does indeed change the world. I think photography changes the perspective of how people look at the world. I think photography also gives photographers and others who enjoy the art of photography many different ways of exploring the world and gives us many different and neat opportunities. As Nationalgeographics states, “photographers use their cameras as tools of exploration, passports to inner sanctums, instruments for change. Their images are proof that photography matters—now more than ever.”

Photography is also a way that one can keep memories forever. Photography makes it possible for an individual to look back on a photograph taken 50 years ago and instantaneously remember that very moment. Millions of people from all across the world take pictures every day, whether it be from their smartphone or from a digital camera.

Photography can also change the world in the way that for example, photographs from a tragedy can help people see all of the negativity that is going on in the world and this might make them see the world in a different light whether it be good or bad. Photographs may also make people see what needs to change in the world. As said by Vice News, tragic photographs “stay with you”.

The photograph above changed the world in many ways and helped people realize all of the tragedy going on all around the world today.

According to Jonathan Klein of Getty Images, photographs “provoke us to step up and do something”. Photos can also be enjoyed by photographs being seen from across the world, to get a feel of what is happening around the world and to understand other cultures.

I do agree with The Digital Journalist which states that some people feel like “words are more important”. This can be true for most people. A lot of people will just often look at a photograph without really taking the time to actually study the photograph to really know or wonder what the photograph actually is and what it’s about. It’s all about people’s perspectives and what people enjoy personally that would “change the world”.

Like ProfessorNordell mentioned, books can also make huge impacts on peoples’ lives.

This photograph taken on the day of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting affected me a lot. This photo shows a lot of emotion that the children are facing. I don’t think that any child should go through this pain that these children are facing at the moment this photo was taken. This photograph really hits home for me since this tragic event occurred in my home state.
This event soon hit all of the news stations all across the world including photographs like this.


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